package com.mattc.autotyper; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.stage.Stage; import com.mattc.autotyper.util.Console; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Enumerates all Strings used in this Program that should be altered. <br /> * <br /> * Could possibly be used for Localization in the future. [Localization Keys] * * @author Matthew */ public class Strings { /** * GitHub URL to open when the 'info' button is pressed */ public static final String GITHUB_URL = ""; public static final String DEVSITE_URL = ""; public static final String FLAG_GUI = "gui"; public static final String FLAG_FILE = "file"; public static final String FLAG_URL = "url"; public static final String FLAG_PASTE = "paste"; public static final String FLAG_WAIT = "-wait"; public static final String FLAG_INPUT_DELAY = "-inDelay"; public static final String EXAMPLE_EXECUTION = "java -jar ccautotyper.jar paste JCR8YTww -inDelay 10 -wait 5"; /** * Ghost Text to Display in TextField when File Button Selected */ public static final String GHOST_TEXT_FSELECT = "Relative or Absolute File Path"; /** * Ghost Text to Display in TextField when URL Button Selected */ public static final String GHOST_TEXT_USELECT = "Valid HTTP URL to Downloadable File"; /** * Ghost Text to Display in TextField when Pastebin Button Selected */ public static final String GHOST_TEXT_PSELECT = "Valid Pastebin File Code"; /** * Ghost Text to Display in TextField when Auto Button Selected */ public static final String GHOST_TEXT_ASELECT = "File Path, HTTP URL or Pastebin File Code"; // Preferences Keys public static final String PREFS_GUI_VERSION = "app_version"; public static final String PREFS_GUI_WAIT = "wait_time"; public static final String PREFS_GUI_INPUTDELAY = "input_delay"; public static final String PREFS_GUI_MEMORY = "locations_"; public static final String PREFS_GUI_SELECTED = "selected_radio"; public static final String PREFS_GUI_MINIFY = "minify_code_option"; public static final String PREFS_CONFIRM_THEME = "confirm_theme"; public static final String PREFS_CONFIRM_MODE = "confirm_mode"; public static final String PREFS_GUI_CONFIRM = "do_confirm_file"; /** * Creates Resource objects that represent the URL and Stream of various media */ public static final class Resources { public static final String LICENSE = "com/mattc/autotyper/license"; private static final Image[] img = new Image[4]; public static void setAppIcons(Stage stage) { if (img[0] == null) { for (int i = 0, size = 32; (i < img.length) && (size <= 128); size += 16) { final Resource res = Resources.getImage("icon" + size + ".png"); if ((res.url() != null) && ( != null)) { Console.debug("Found icon" + size + ".png"); img[i++] = new Image(; } else if ((((size % 32) == 0) || (size == 48)) && (size != 96)) { Console.error("Could not find icon" + size + ".png!"); } } } stage.getIcons().addAll(img); } public static Resource getLicense() { return new Resource() { @Override public URL url() { return Strings.class.getClassLoader().getResource(Resources.LICENSE); } }; } /** * Get CSS File Resource found in com/mattc/autotyper/gui/fx/css package */ public static Resource getCSS(final String name) { return new Resource() { @Override public URL url() { return Strings.class.getClassLoader().getResource("com/mattc/autotyper/gui/fx/css/" + name + (name.endsWith(".css") ? "" : ".css")); } }; } /** * Get Image File found in the res package. NOT FOR LOCAL FILES. */ public static Resource getImage(final String name) { return new Resource() { @Override public URL url() { return getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("res/" + name); } }; } /** * Get Arbitrary File in relative to Root Directory */ public static Resource getRootFile(final String name) { return new Resource() { @Override public URL url() { try { return new File(name).toURI().toURL(); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { Console.exception(e); return null; } } }; } /** * Container for URL and Streams */ public static abstract class Resource { public abstract URL url(); public InputStream stream() { final URL url = url(); try { return url != null ? url.openStream() : null; } catch (final IOException e) { Console.exception(e); } return null; } } } }